Únete a nuestro acceso temprano y descubre oportunidades de inversión en proyectos inmobiliarios con PoliBit
Terms and Conditions for Using the POLIBIT Portal and Platform.

Welcome to the “POLIBIT” website atwww.polibit.io/Please read these terms carefully before contracting a service through our website or any other electronic platform and/or before contracting any of our services directly and making use of our services in general. By starting to use this site or contracting our services, it is presumed that you have read and consented to these terms and conditions. By using this site electronically or any of our services, the User acknowledges that he or she has read and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions in their full extent and with all their legal scope.
The following terms and conditions for the use of the portal (the “Rules of Use”) are applicable to all websites that derive or are a consequence of the use ofwww.polibit.io/(the “Portal”), property of “POLIBIT, SAPI DE CV” (“POLIBIT”).
For the purposes of these Portal Use Rules, the following will be considered a user: (i) general public and/or (ii) POLIBIT client who has generated a user profile through our Portal, requesting access before contracting any of our services through the Portal or (iii) who is an official of a POLIBIT client and uses the Portal to receive the services that POLIBIT provides to the general market (the “User”). The User fully and unconditionally accepts both the Rules of Use of the Portal and the Privacy Notice (together, the “Legal Notice”), published on the Portal. POLIBIT reserves the right to update or revise these terms and conditions without prior notice and without the need for prior authorization from any third party; Please review these terms and conditions periodically to be aware of any changes, without any liability to POLIBIT. Continued use of this site following the posting of any changes to these terms and conditions indicates that the User accepts such changes without reservation.
POLIBIT is a Mexican company that offers the provision of advisory and consulting services on all types of topics related to emerging information technologies, as well as offering a portfolio of services consisting of the development of technology or various accessories of any nature focused on debt tokenization focused on fractions of Real Estate projects (the “Services”). Likewise, POLIBIT is not committed to any political or government organization.

The material contained in the Portal is for informational purposes of the services offered. These Rules of Use govern the use of the Portal, as well as any technology that is used by POLIBIT to provide its services to the market in general (the “Platform”) and your access to it constitutes a binding contract (a “Platform”). Agreement”) by and between POLIBIT and the User. The Legal Notice is mandatory and binding for all Users. If the User does not agree with the Legal Notice, in whole or in part, they must refrain from using, operating, visiting the Portal, the Platform and/or contracting the services provided by POLIBIT.

By using the Portal, the Platform and/or by inducing their use electronically or through other means, the User indicates that they accept the Agreement and acknowledge and accept that: (i) POLIBIT is exempt from all responsibility, loss, damage or risk that results as a direct or indirect consequence of the use of the Portal, the Platform or the Services; (ii) the use of the Portal and the Platform is subject to the terms of the Legal Notice, as it may be modified from time to time; and (iii) will only use the materials contained in the Portal and the Platform for personal, non-commercial and informational purposes, and will not modify any of the materials contained therein.

General Description of Services
In general terms, and subject to any more detailed provision, whether substantive or applicable processes that are implemented through the Portal or the Platform, for the provision of the Services: (i) the User registers with a user and password; (ii) the User must provide all the information that is necessary for the adequate and timely provision of the Services; and (iii) the provision of the Services will be governed by the instructions that POLIBIT makes available on the Portal and/or the Platform from time to time, which the User must comply with for the proper provision of the Services.Any POLIBIT User may create a free account, through which only the data indicated in the Privacy Notice will be requested.In this sense, the User, once having their access account, may be a Creditor of an amount that they have decided, in accordance with the services offered by POLIBIT, with the understanding that said amount will be used by a Real Estate Developer to achieve the completion of a specific project and, derived from the above, POLIBIT will deliver it to the User, either on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties, through the use of technology known as blockchain to fraction, tokenize and manage the rights to the amount granted to the Developer .

Likewise, once a service offered by POLIBIT has been contracted, it will act as a collection agent for the rights recorded in the Token against the Real Estate Developer for the achievement of any act aimed at safeguarding rights.Now, the User is made aware that POLIBIT will keep control of the location of the tokens, as well as their record of who holds them as owner, for the purposes of satisfying AML/KYC real estate regulatory compliance. Therefore, in the event that a token is lost, POLIBIT will have the power to locate it, burn it and restore a new one to assign it to the User who owns the token.

In this sense, in case of loss, the User must immediately notify POLIBIT to carry out the necessary actions. The loss of tokens will be the exclusive responsibility of the User and the User assumes the loss of the item in the event that POLIBIT is unable to restore it.You are aware that POLIBIT does not act as a financial advisor, therefore any contract is made by the User under his/her exclusive responsibility.Persons of American nationality may not be users, nor may persons of nationality from countries blacklisted for being tax havens, issued by the Council of the European Union.

Security Channels and Filters
POLIBIT at its sole discretion may implement the security filters it deems appropriate to evaluate Users, and determine whether the information provided by a User is reliable and secure, and if it decides to provide or discontinue the Services for a User, at its sole discretion. . From the moment a User registers on the Portal or the Platform, the POLIBIT team may filter it with the aim of safeguarding the integrity of its collaborators, agents, partners or shareholders, directors and employees directly or indirectly involved in the provision of the services. Services.
To use the Services offered on the Portal, you may be required to create an account and set a password. In such case, You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your account information, including your password, and for any and all activity that occurs under Your account as a result of Your failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of such information. . You agree to notify POLIBIT immediately in the event of any unlawful use of your account or password, or if any security-related issue occurs. You may be legally responsible for losses caused to POLIBIT or any other user or visitor of the Portal due to the use of your account or password by another person, as a result of your failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information. from account.You may not use your account or password, or anyone else's account, without the express permission and consent of the account holder. POLIBIT will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations.

Likewise, POLIBIT reserves the right to cancel a user's account temporarily or permanently in the event ofbreachwith the User Conduct section immediately below.

User Conduct
The User agrees to comply with all relevant local, state, national and international laws, regulations, standards and rules and is solely responsible for all actions or omissions that occur as a result of the use or access of the Portal or the Platform including and without limitation, the content of your transmissions through or to the Portal or the Platform. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the User agrees not to do the following:
- Use the Portal or the Platform in relation to the commission of property crimes or any other type, in particular in matters of anti-money laundering and anti-corruption.- Use the Portal or the Platform in connection with chain letters, advertising email, spam email, or any duplicate or unsolicited messages, commercial or otherwise.- Collect, compile or disseminate information about third parties, including email addresses or personal data, without the consent of the owner of the information or data.- Create a false identity or a forged email address or header, or otherwise attempt to mislead others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of a message.- Transmit any material that may infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, including, without limitation, trademarks, trade secrets or copyrights.- Transmit any material that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancellation programs, or any other harmful or harmful programs.- Use the Portal or the Platform to violate any relevant law that restricts the export or import of data, software or any other type of content.- Interfere with, or disrupt, the operation of networks connected to the POLIBIT websites or violate the regulations, policies, rules or procedures of such networks.- Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the Portal or the Platform and the POLIBIT websites or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the POLIBIT websites or the Platform, by illegally searching for or obtaining passwords or by no other means.- Use the Portal or the Platform to promote business for the benefit of a competing company or service.-Use any type of “deep-link”, “page-scrap”, “robot”, “spider” or other automatic devices, programs, algorithms or methodologies, or similar manual processes or equivalent to acquire, copy or supervise any part of the Portal, or to access them, nor may you reproduce or evade the navigation structure or presentation of the Portal, with the aim of obtaining or attempting to obtain materials, documents or information by any means. means that is not voluntarily available through it.- Explore, analyze or evaluate the vulnerability of the Portal or any network connected to it, nor violate the security or authentication measures of the Portal or any network connected to it.

The User will be responsible for any damages caused to POLIBIT derived from its actions or those that come from its officials, employees, agents, dependents, collaborators and/or associated, subsidiary and/or affiliated natural or legal person.
If the user violates any of the points mentioned in the Terms and Conditions, POLIBIT, without prior notification, has the right to cancel and/or suspend the User's account, likewise the user does not have the right to receive any refund and/or compensation from POLIBIT.

Users and Privacy
So that the User can contact POLIBIT to consume the Services, queries and doubts and other options within the Portal or the Platform, they may do so through the contacts available on the Portal or by having a User account on the Platform. For the provision of the Services or to resolve any questions or queries, the User may be asked to provide personal information. POLIBIT's data collection and use policies with respect to the privacy of such information are contained in the Legal Notice, which will be considered incorporated herein by reference for all purposes and can be consulted through the Portal. It is the User's responsibility to provide accurate, complete, true and updated information. The User, by using the Portal and/or the Platform, agrees with what is indicated in the Legal Notice, including the content of the Privacy Notice, and is obliged to keep any changes in the information provided updated as soon as possible.

Payment, Cancellations and Returns, Re-scheduling
The Services provided are personal and non-transferable, and may only be used by the contracting User. The User undertakes to comply with the payment terms established in their respective contract.

All credit or debit card holders are subject to verification and authorization by the card issuer. By voluntarily providing information about your credit or debit card to contract the Services, the User consents to its use for the corresponding charge, and confirms that the card is yours and that it has sufficient funds or credit available to cover the charges.

The payment platforms are independent of POLIBIT and their purpose is to facilitate a secure and agile transaction for Users. Any query or incident regarding said payment system must be addressed directly to the payment platforms applicable to the Portal or the Platform, and in no case does POLIBIT assume any responsibility derived from the operation or use of the payment platforms.

The POLIBIT Services are designed for Users of legal age, or those who have sufficient legal capacity to acquire obligations, or on behalf of minors by whoever has legal guardianship, in accordance with applicable legislation, and this is duly verified by reliable legal means. Users must suspend the use of the Portal or the Platform immediately if they do not agree or accept all of these Rules of Use or the content of the Legal Notice. POLIBIT reserves the right to eliminate or prohibit any User from using the Portal or the Platform at its sole discretion when it has causes that it considers justified, based on what is contained in these Rules of Use, the Legal Notice and the contract for the provision of services. services related to the contracting of the Services.

Property Rights over Content of the Portal and the Platform
POLIBIT has the ownership and exclusive ownership of the rights granted by current laws and/or international treaties inherent to intellectual property, for all brands, commercial notices, software and computer programs in general, and other figures susceptible to legal protection. in accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Industrial Property and the Federal Copyright Law, in relation to the Portal and the Platform, through which it promotes, markets and provides its Services, including but not limited to: (i) industrial property on the titles of trademark registrations and commercial notices granted by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property; (ii)all text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, logos, sounds, music, computer designs and codes, including the design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, appearance and arrangement of such elements , (iii)the copyright regarding the computer program(s), software developments, system(s) and/or its derivatives, granted by the National Copyright Institute; and (iv) all developments, know-how, distinctive signs and/or assets or rights that correspond to it in the field of intellectual property in its own right (the “Intellectual Property”).

POLIBIT does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on the Intellectual Property, so the User recognizes that: (i) he does not have any right over the Intellectual Property, and is therefore obliged to respect at all times the rights that POLIBIT holds on it; (ii) may not modify, alter, delete, copy or reproduce either totally or partially, including but not limited to, the information content generated by POLIBIT, the Intellectual Property and/or any indication contained in the Portal or the Platform.

Third parties
The Users' wireless telephony service providers, the manufacturers and sellers of the devices on which the User uses or accesses the Portal or the Platform, the creator of the Users' operating system and the operator of any application or service store. similar services through which Users enter the Portal or the Platform and carry out transactions (the “Third Parties”) are not part of these Rules of Use or POLIBIT, and are not owners or responsible for the Portal or the Platform. Consequently, POLIBIT is not and will not be responsible for any operational details that depend on Third Parties and that could affect the provision of the Services through the Portal or the Platform. The Third Parties do not provide any guarantee in relation to the Portal or the Platform, and POLIBIT does not provide any guarantee in relation to the services provided by the Third Parties.

The Portal and/or the Platform, and the transactional means used therein, have been created for the most recent version of the Users' internet operating systems available on the market and compatibility problems may arise when previous versions are used. Wireless network coverage and Wi-Fi network speed vary by carrier and geographic location. POLIBIT is not responsible for the limitations and/or failures in the operation of any wireless or Wi-Fi service used to access the Portal or the Platform or for the security of the wireless or Wi-Fi services. Likewise, POLIBIT is not responsible for charges or fees for the use of data networks, which are the exclusive responsibility of the User.

The User acknowledges and accepts that POLIBIT may use/uses Artificial Intelligence on its platform, and that this tool is used solely and exclusively to achieve POLIBIT's corporate purpose.

User Provided Content
By publishing or sending content to the Portal or the Platform, the User automatically grants POLIBIT the right to use, reproduce, present, display, adapt, modify, distribute or promote the content in any way and for any purpose, in accordance with the provisions in the Rules of Use and the Legal Notice. Likewise, the User accepts and guarantees that he or she has the necessary property rights for said content or control over said content and that the publication and use of the content by POLIBIT does not infringe or violate the rights of any third party, and does not constitute a crime. The User accepts and confirms that he or she is responsible for all content published or sent through the Portal or the Platform. In these cases, the User undertakes to: (i) grant POLIBIT a free and non-exclusive authorization to use the shared data; and (ii) hold POLIBIT and/or its affiliates safe and sound from any action, demand or claim for any violation of intellectual property arising from the use of shared data that the User himself sends to POLIBIT.

Suspension or Denial of Access
POLIBIT may, without prior notice, suspend, disconnect, deny or restrict your access: (i) during a technical failure of the Portal or the Platform, or during its modification or maintenance; (ii) if the User uses the POLIBIT sites and facilities in a way that violates these Rules of Use or the respective service provision contract; or (iii) if the User does something or fails to do something that, in the opinion of POLIBIT, could have the consequence of endangering the operation or integrity of the facilities of any of the branches, employees, clients, the Portal or the POLIBIT platform.

Exclusion of Guarantees and Limitation of Civil Liability
The POLIBIT Portal or Platform may contain links to third-party sites, cookies, resources or sponsors. The existence of links to and from the Portal or the Platform to third party sites does not constitute an endorsement by POLIBIT of any third party sites, resources, sponsors or content and POLIBIT accepts no responsibility, directly or indirectly, for any such sites. , resources, sponsors or content.
POLIBIT does not make any representation or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or any other information presented or distributed through the Portal or the Platform. The User agrees that by relying on any such opinions, advice, statements or information, he or she does so at his or her own risk.

POLIBIT and its partners are not responsible or offer guarantees of any kind regarding: (i) the content of the Portal and the Platform; (ii) the materials, software, functions and information to which access is obtained through the software used on the Portal and the Platform or to which access is obtained through them; (iii) any third-party products or services or links to third parties on the Portal and the Platform; (iv) any security breach associated with the transmission of sensitive information through the Portal and the Platform or any linked site; or (v) any Service provided by a third party that has been contracted through the Portal or the Platform.

POLIBIT may offer its Users tools to carry out transactions or otherwise interact with third parties, including individuals. Members must take appropriate steps when providing information to such third parties or in other interactions with such third parties. All contacts or interactions between the User and third parties are made at the User's risk, and POLIBIT has no responsibility for such contacts or interactions.

By means of this document, the User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold safe and sound POLIBIT and all its affiliated or subsidiary companies, affiliates, representatives, agents, advisors, directors, advisors, owners, employees, collaborators, information providers, partners, licensees and licensees (collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) against all liability and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim related to any violation of this agreement committed by the User, any unauthorized use of the content of the Portal or the Platform or any breach by the User of the foregoing representations, warranties or clauses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. User must cooperate fully as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. POLIBIT reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and you shall not under any circumstances settle any matter without the written consent of POLIBIT.

Modifications to the Portal or the Platform
POLIBIT may at any time and when it deems appropriate, without the need to notify the User, make corrections, additions, improvements or modifications, eliminate, delete the content, presentation, information, services, areas, databases and other elements of the Portal or the Platform, partially or completely, without this giving rise or right to any claim or compensation, nor does this imply recognition of any responsibility in favor of the User.

These changes or modifications will be effective from the moment they are updated in the application, without the need to notify the User in advance. POLIBIT recommends that the User constantly review these Terms and Conditions of use.
POLIBIT reserves the right to terminate the application or eliminate any of its sections or content, at any time, at its discretion and without the need for any authorization or notification from the User.

Applicable Legislation and Competent Courts
This agreement, the Rules of Use, and all matters arising from this agreement or related to the foregoing, shall be governed by the laws of Mexico, before the competent federal courts of the City of Monterrey, Nuevo León.

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